Physical Education

Coach Daniel Scoggins -

"I get to be the PE teacher and I endeavor to have kids fall in love with movement through play and exercise. I hope to inspire students to take ownership over their own fitness and to set a foundation for lifelong healthy living.



P.E. Google Classroom



Reading Lab

Mrs. Erin Clarke

In the Reading Lab, I have the pleasure of bringing books and reading skills together in ways that both support and challenge students. I create lessons using stories and topics not written into their grade-level curriculum, thus piquing students' curiosity, or broadening their knowledge, in a wider variety of areas. Utilizing a combination of books, animations, and informational videos, I build a solid foundation for comprehension and skills practice. At the end of each lesson, students create a written and/or visual piece to demonstrate their connection to what we've read. We have traveled to the moon, designed our perfect shoe, chased turkeys through school, and dreamed up our own little monsters. And that's just this year!

My goal is that their time in the Reading Lab encourages students to explore the pages of a book, get excited about what they find, and share with others. I hope you experience my favorite question-

"Can we read it again?"


Mr. Ralph Keith-

The RSE STEM Lab (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) exposes all students in grade K - 5 to experiential, hands-on learning.  Within the STEM Lab each grade has it’s own Lab designation:  Kindergarten LEGO Lab, 1st grade Geometry Lab, 2nd grade Engineering Lab, 3rd grade Technology Lab, 4th grade Collaboration Lab, and 5th grade Innovation Lab.

Our curriculum is based on eight core characteristics.  The first three, Curiosity - Imagination - Creativity, are present in all students when they arrive in Kindergarten.  The expression of these three are emphasized in the LEGO Lab.  In the 1st grade Geometry Lab students begin to learn and apply Problem-Solving skills to a variety of challenges.  2nd grade Engineering Lab students are builders.  They develop Critical Thinking skills as they build an expansive variety of items using changing materials.  With a foundation of these five characteristics students enter the 3rd grade Technology Lab and focus on developing Teamwork.  4th grade students spend the year in the Collaboration Lab where they Collaborate on indoor and outdoor projects.  The Innovation Lab for 5th graders is the pinnacle of the STEM program.  Students use and apply all skills and characteristics learned to design and build Innovative solutions to real-world problem.